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Organisations in category:

Ladies Circles

3 results found

Brighouse Ladies Circle

Circle is about new friendship, participating in different social activities and raising a few pounds for charity along the way. Circle offers you this and so much more. So if you're between 18 but under...

Brighouse Ladies Circle website

Penistone Round Table and Penistone Ladies Circle

Why not come along to your local club in Penistone and see what being involved in The Round Table and the Ladies Circle can do for you? Would you like to help your local community whilst enjoying an active...

Penistone Round Table and Penistone Ladies Circle website

Wakefield Ladies Circle

The nearest Ladies Circle to the Dewsbury Batley area. Near Kirklees there are also Circles in Brighouse, Halifax and Penistone. Ladies Circle is a modern, vibrant club for women just like you! With...

Wakefield Ladies Circle website
