We’ve created the Community Directory to make it easy for you to find local groups, events and things to do. It’s the most detailed and up-to-date directory of active community organisations in Kirklees.
If you’re part of a local group, it’s easy for you to join the directory, share your information and promote what you do.
If you’re already part of it, please help us to promote your group by keeping your information up to date. You can update your details at any time, add images and promote your activities and events:
If you need any help using Community Directory, please contact us.
Community Directory is not staffed all the time and so it is usually best to email on community.directory@kirklees.gov.uk
To telephone please call 01484 221000 and ask for ‘Community Directory’. If no one is in the office you can leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.