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Organisations in category:
12 results found
Greenstreams promotes biodiversity, improved public access and organises volunteer clean-ups of the river corridor (River Colne). We work with local business partners and community organisations to improve...
Greenstreams website 07769 165704
We're a thriving community of food growers in the Newsome Ward of Huddersfield. We aim to build and strengthen relationships between local residents through the shared activity of growing and eating our...
Growing Newsome website
Activities involve preservation, improvement and expansion of the bridleways network in Kirklees. Special events as advertised locally. Please see our facebook for details.
Kirklees Bridleways Group website
Please see the website for more details about Council-owned land and property and finding out about land ownership.
Kirklees Council land and property website
Various services including details of ownership of land and property - please see website for more details.
Ownership of Land and Property - The Land Registry website
Please see the website for information on public rights of way in Kirklees: footpaths, bridleways and byways.
Public rights of way (Kirklees Council) website
Public meeting with the Council's rights of way teams. Meetings are normally organised three times a year, and walkers, horse riders, cyclists, land owners and anyone with an interest in the countryside... 01484 221000
Ride Kirklees is a mountain bike advocacy group that aims to improve a and develop access for off road cycling around Kirklees. We are responsible for the development of the mountain bike trail at Oakwell...
Ride Kirklees website
Please use the website to report or enquire about all aspects of roads and pavements including maintenance, potholes, flooding, obstructions, road safety, road closures etc.
Roads and Pavements (Kirklees Council) website
Please see the website for more details and latest updates.
Snow Clearance and Gritting of Roads website
A green transport corridor using the route of the old Spen Valley railway, which will eventually link Bradford and Wakefield. A partnership between Kirklees Council, Spen Valley Greenway Forum, and Sustrans....
Spen Valley Greenway website
Please use the website to report faulty street lights.
Street Lighting website