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7 results found

Bipolar UK Support Groups

Bipolar UK support groups offer: Peer Support through group discussion, useful information, social activities and guidance on managing mood swings. Group meetings are friendly, confidential and informal....

Bipolar UK Support Groups website 0333 323 3880

Calderdale & Kirklees Recovery College (South West Yorks Partnerhips NHS)

The Recovery & Wellbeing College is for adults who want to improve their own wellbeing and/or the health and wellbeing of someone they care for or support. We focus on learning, building people’s skills...

Calderdale & Kirklees Recovery College (South West Yorks Partnerhips NHS) website 07717 867 911

My Mind Services Ltd

My Mind Services ltd offers affordable counselling to adults. Free assessment followed by either time limited 6 sessions or open ended counselling. It serves Kirklees residents and aims to bridge the gap...

My Mind Services Ltd website 07548288649

PeerTalk (Batley and Huddersfield)

Various locations...

PeerTalk, a registered charity, runs weekly peer support groups in Batley and Huddersfield for anyone over 18 facing stressful times, depression, anxiety or similar distress. No need to book, just turn...

PeerTalk (Batley and Huddersfield) website

Support to Recovery (S2R) - Create Space

S2R Support to Recovery is an independent mental health and wellbeing charity, providing support across Kirklees through a range of social wellness, nature-based and creative activities. We offer a wide...

Support to Recovery (S2R) - Create Space website 07933 358800

TakeTen Mental Health & Suicide Prevention CIC

Take Ten is a local support group based in Batley. The aim of the group is to offer support and advice to individuals, families or friends of adults or children with Mental ill Health or Suicide concerns...

TakeTen Mental Health & Suicide Prevention CIC website

The Tree of Life Centre

We are a Christian counselling, college and resource centre based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. We provide a counselling service to anyone age 16 or over in need, people do not have to be a Christian...

The Tree of Life Centre website 01484 461098