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Organisations in category:


4 results found

Alcohol Support Kirklees (ASK)

ASK is a confidential Rational Recovery service which provides non religious effective help to all those suffering directly or indirectly through alcohol abuse. ASK provides email and phone help and confidential...

Alcohol Support Kirklees (ASK) website 07435 567 401

CARE Dewsbury

Offers help to the homeless and those with addictions. Open on Monday and Thursday from 10am to 12noon at Dewsbury Baptist Church. 07815 583144

Kirklees in Recovery

Kirklees in Recovery is an organisation open to anyone who is interested in all aspects of Recovery from a drink or drug problem. It is for individuals, friends and families, supporters, people who work...

Kirklees in Recovery website 07469 967631

Platform 1 - mental health and crisis support (Huddersfield)

Platform 1 is a Mental Health and Crisis Support charity based in Huddersfield town and working in diverse communities throughout Yorkshire. We support Men and Women over the age of 16 with complex and...

Platform 1 - mental health and crisis support (Huddersfield) website