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18 results found


A community 'not for profit' organisation fighting to save closure of hospital services in Huddersfield, including A&E and other services at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

#HandsOffHRI website

Calderdale & Kirklees Recovery College (South West Yorks Partnerhips NHS)

The Recovery & Wellbeing College is for adults who want to improve their own wellbeing and/or the health and wellbeing of someone they care for or support. We focus on learning, building people’s skills...

Calderdale & Kirklees Recovery College (South West Yorks Partnerhips NHS) website 07717 867 911

Creating Health for All CIC

Creating Health for All is a voluntary organisation that is here for the people of Huddersfield and Brighouse to help you achieve better health and well-being. We are a registered Community Interest Company...

Creating Health for All CIC website

Creative Minds (NHS) Kirklees and Calderdale

Creative Minds is an NHS charity hosted by Southwest Yorkshire NHS Partnership Foundation Trust. We deliver creative approaches in health. These include the arts, horticulture, leisure, recreation, physical...

Creative Minds (NHS) Kirklees and Calderdale website

Healthwatch Kirklees

Healthwatch Kirklees is a watchdog for NHS and Social Care services. We want to hear your feedback and experiences of using NHS and Social Care services in Kirklees, whether it be positive or negative. Our...

Healthwatch Kirklees website 01924 450379

Heavy Woollen District Hospital Radio

Staffed by volunteers. We broadcast to Dewsbury and District Hospital. Please see our website for more details and how to contact us. Also see our facebook under Further Information.

Heavy Woollen District Hospital Radio website 01924 816262

Honley Aid in Sickness Fund

Modest donations can be given to the residents of Honley and Brockholes.These are given when the NHS or Social Services cannot provide help. They are often as a result of referrals by GPs, Health Visitors...

Honley Aid in Sickness Fund website 01484 323832

Huddersfield Hospital Radio

Huddersfield Hospital Radio runs live programmes weekdays 7pm to 10pm and daytime at weekends from 10am. There is live commentary on all football and rugby matches at the Stadium whenever they are held. Members...

Huddersfield Hospital Radio website 01484 429355

Kirklees Wellness Service

A Kirklees Council based service aimed at people living healthier, happier lives and feeling more able to look after themselves. Currently offering support with: Improving mental wellbeing Improving physical...

Kirklees Wellness Service website

Locorum Ltd.

Locorum is a non-profit organisation dedicated to addressing the shortage of culturally appropriate health and care services for communities in Kirklees, with a particular focus on African, Caribbean and...

Locorum Ltd. website

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT)

Save a life. Give Blood. If you are aged 17 to 65 and reasonably healthy, you could save someone's life by giving just an hour of your time. Please see our website or contact us for more details.

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) website 0300 1232323

NHS services (doctor, dentist etc)

Please see the website for details of services provided by the NHS and to find your nearest doctor, dentist, hospital etc.

NHS services (doctor, dentist etc) website 01484 464000

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Our role is to consider complaints about the NHS and Government organisations that remain unresolved. In all cases these complaints should have been take up first with the department concerned. We are...

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website


Sprout (Strong Parent Reaching Out) Our weekly Sprout project for families with children with SEND and SEMH needs. No diagnosis is required. Sprout enables engagement in fun, sociable activities which...

Sprout website 07883 905899

St John Ambulance (Kirklees)

St John Ambulance (SJA) teaches people first aid, provides first aid at public events, provides Community First Responders who attend emergency calls and provide care until the ambulance arrives, provide...

St John Ambulance (Kirklees) website 0370 0104 950

TAP (Together Against Pain)

Our group is mainly for people in chronic pain. We support each other and share information. We meet at Huddersfield Fire Station he last Friday of every month 12 Noon to 14.00. We welcome new members...

West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services (WYMS)

Specialists in delivering services to the Engineering and Manufacturing Sectors, we offer a wide range of Training and Development opportunities to support personal and business growth. Our expert...

West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services (WYMS) website 01484 711462