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The Friends of Greenhead Park (FoGP)

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Description – please include

  • what your organisation does and who it’s for
  • when you meet
  • any issues about joining or attending meetings (e.g. if there is a waiting list)
  • prices for attending meetings

Web site – please add the organisation’s main web address. Other links can be added under Further Information.


Include any ways of contacting your organisation that you’re happy to publish on the Web. If you’re giving someone else’s details, first ensure they’re happy for these details to be published.

Please include an e mail address for the organisation if at all possible. It need not be published, but it is helpful to us as we use e mail for updating purposes.

If you’re the main contact for the group, click on the Primary contact box.

N.b. If there is an out of date contact in place you need to delete this and add a new contact.

  1. The Friends of Greenhead Park is an independent voluntary group that works in partnership with Kirklees Council to ensure that our park is safe, attractive and well-used.

    The Friends of Greenhead Park:
    •encourage everyone, young and old, to use, value and look after the park
    •provide a recognised channel through which users of the park are involved in decisions made about the park
    •work for practical improvements to the park to ensure that it is a safe place with appropriate amenities

    The Friends of Greenhead Park committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 10am. The meetings are held in the Greenhead Park pavilion (by the bowling greens).

    Other meetings, including the Annual General Meeting in March, are advertised in the park and on our website.

    Do you care about Greenhead Park? Would you like to be part of its future? Could you help with events or activities in the park? If so then why not join us. Membership of the Friends of Greenhead Park is £5 for life. Please see our website if you are interested in becoming a member.

    You can find out more about the Friends at our regular Wednesday Drop-In session. This runs from 1pm to 2pm in the Greenhead Park pavilion by the bowling greens.


Friends of Greenhead Park

c/o Refreshment Rooms Greenhead Park, Huddersfield HD1 4HS

Organisation last updated

  1. 03 June 2024

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The categories are tiered with the broadest first. Click on the plus sign till you find the specific categories that best suit your group.

The Friends of Greenhead Park (FoGP) image


If you want to change your venue or add a new one please use the postcode / street name field to see a list of venues. This should cover all venues in Kirklees, but if you can’t find the venue you need please contact Community Directory, and we will advise or add it for you.

  1. Greenhead Park, Trinity Street, Huddersfield
    1. All key services are accessible. Wheelchair access
    2. Either, there are specially marked parking spaces for disabled people, or disabled people can park within 50 metres of an accessible entrance. Disabled parking
    3. There is a toilet which can be accessed by people with disabilities including wheelchair users. This means that it complies with the standards set out in Part M of the Building Regulations,'Access to and use of buildings. Fully accessible toilet

  1. Sports Pavilion, Greenhead Park, Trinity Street, Huddersfield
    1. All key services are accessible. Wheelchair access
    2. Either, there are specially marked parking spaces for disabled people, or disabled people can park within 50 metres of an accessible entrance. Disabled parking
    3. There is a toilet which can be accessed by people with disabilities including wheelchair users. This means that it complies with the standards set out in Part M of the Building Regulations,'Access to and use of buildings. Fully accessible toilet


  1. The Friends of Greenhead Park gave a boost to Kirklees Council's plans to bring life back to one of Huddersfield's premier parks. At a meeting in January 2007, the newly revitalised group welcomed proposals for the regeneration of the park and the opportunity to lead community involvement and consultation on future plans.

    It was agreed that the new Friends Group would build on previous Friends' work and provide opportunities for local residents and others with an interest in the future of the park to contribute their views on the redevelopment, support the sustained development of the park, and organise their own events and activities to complement the regular and established programme which already runs in the park.

    Since then the group has grown in numbers and has played an active role in the park restoration project. We now have several project groups that have been working with the council and other partners on issues such as children's play and activities, horticulture, sports facilities and park history.

    There are lots of other things we'd like to do, if we get enough support from park users, and we'd love to hear any ideas or suggestions for activities.

Information not correct?

If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*