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Organisations in category:
9 results found
A group of local volunteers who come together to help promote Batley primarily through putting on events, such as Batley Vintage Day, the Christmas lights switch on and Batley Does Opera. Please see our...
Batley Business Association website 07742251565
The registered charity arm of Batley Bulldogs, we work in schools delivering multi-skills sports development and tag rugby coaching, we also deliver these sessions to any community organisation that would...
Batley Sporting Foundation website 07475 019009
BatleySmile carries out activities for the benefit of the town of Batley, West Yorkshire, its residents and local organisations. It is registered as a Community Interest Company.
BatleySmile CIC website 07736 416668
Not for profit group organising activities for communities, families and young people. Please see facebook page for more details.
Fearless People (North Kirklees) website
We support Moms, children and families across Kirklees to have the best start in their family life together. We promote and organise baby massage classes, stay & play activities, courses, fitness and...
HappyMOMents (for Moms across Batley and Dewsbury) website
KFM is a Community organisation that has been running film, video and art and film projects for the past ten years. We promote equality and diversification in everything that we do, and our projects promote...
Kirklees Filmmakers website
A group of volunteers who came together following the murder of Jo Cox MP in June 2016 and inspired by Jo's words: "We have more in common than that which divides us" Please see our facebook for more...
More in Common Batley and Spen website
TCD -Tackling social isolation in the Community through Diverse activities. We are dedicated to transforming lives and breaking down barriers for people with special needs, disabilities, mental health...
TCD -Tackling social isolation in the Community through Diverse activities (Batley) website
The Crescent & Co decided to launch as a CIC (Community Interest Company) in order to make more of a difference and combat the needs of the community. We offer a range of services from befriending, coffee... 01924444929