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Organisations in category:

Rural conservation

18 results found

Colne Valley Tree Society

We seek to improve the Colne Valley by planting and managing woodlands. Each year we plant several thousand new trees in and around the Colne Valley. Meet for tree planting every Saturday morning (November...

Colne Valley Tree Society website

Denby Dale Parish Countryside Project

The project works with local people in Denby Dale parish to promote landscape and nature conservation, environmental awareness, countryside recreation and access. Regular events and conservation tasks. 01484 861239

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees

Various locations...

EPIKS (or Environmental Projects in Kirklees) aims to make our towns and villages a better place to live, work and study and to give people an opportunity to make difference on 'climate issues'. We have...

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees website 07769 165704

FOQAL – Friends of Quarmby and Longwood

We preserve and enhance Longwood Edge, Hob End and Ballroyd Clough as a community resource and promote their use by local people. Please see our facebook page for more details.

FOQAL – Friends of Quarmby and Longwood website 07921469955

Friends of Caulms Wood (Dewsbury)

A group dedicated to restoring the beauty to Caulms Wood, Dewsbury. For more details of Caulms Wood please see the website link.

Friends of Caulms Wood (Dewsbury) website

Friends of Dean Wood

Environmental and conservation group. The group conserves the wood, its flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource. It promotes its use by local people through voluntary action for the...

Friends of Dean Wood website 07821 701564

Friends of Gledholt Woods, Huddersfield

We are a small group of local volunteers who undertake practical conservation work in Gledholt Woods (also known as TP Woods) and the adjacent Horses Field, between Paddock and Gledholt. The site is designated...

Friends of Gledholt Woods, Huddersfield website 01484 314379

Friends of Honley Old Woods

We are a group of volunteers who look after an area of land between Meltham and Honley. The site is a former quarry and landfill site which has several species of orchid. There are ponds on site which...

Friends of Longley Woods

The Friends of Longley Woods are a conservation group with the aim of improving and maintaining the valuable woodland in the Longley area. Activities include rubbish clearances, woodland maintenance, nature...

Friends of Longley Woods website

Friends Of Mag Wood

An informal group of about 50 people, most of them living in Netherton, Honley and Armitage Bridge. A group who is keen to protect and appreciate one of their most beautiful local woodlands, known on...

Friends Of Mag Wood website 07593 950469

Friends of Storthes Hall Woods

The aim of the group is to conserve and regenerate the woodlands of Storthes Hall, their flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource and promote their use by local people as a place for...

Friends of Storthes Hall Woods website 01484 606891


Groundwork is a national organisation with several offices in Yorkshire. Its services include free, impartial advice to help you save energy in your home and reduce bills. It is a community charity with...

Groundwork website

Natural Kirklees

Natural Kirklees is the umbrella organisation for all the “Friends of” groups and “Greenspace” management groups within the Kirklees geographical area. We are independent from; and not part of Kirklees...

Natural Kirklees website

Public rights of way (Kirklees Council)

Please see the website for information on public rights of way in Kirklees: footpaths, bridleways and byways.

Public rights of way (Kirklees Council) website

River Holme Connections

River Holme Connections is a charity with a vision for the future where the River Holme is the focal point of the area, full of vitality and right on our doorstep! We want to link up with other groups,...

River Holme Connections website 01484 661756

Ten Villages Conservation Group

The 10 villages conservation group is a practical conservation group which undertakes a task once a month around the Denby Dale parish, led by the Countryside Officer. A major project is the linking...

Ten Villages Conservation Group website 01484 861239

The Lepton Village Preservation Society

We are improving Lepton Village for its residents by planting trees, clearing weeds and rubbish, providing interest through a willow deer sculpture, mosaics, planters and name stones as well as initiatives...

The Lepton Village Preservation Society website

Tree planting - White Rose Forest Partnership

The White Rose Forest is the community forest for North and West Yorkshire, working in partnership with local authorities, landowners, businesses and communities to increase woodland across the region...

Tree planting - White Rose Forest Partnership website