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Organisations in category:

Community Improvement

9 results found

Almondbury Action

Almondbury Action is a voluntary group which was set up in March 2019. Our aim is to involve local people in environmental projects including litter-picking, planting floral displays, tidying and weeding...

Almondbury Action website

Denby Dale Parish Environment Trust (DDPET)

The Trust was formed in 1997 as an independent registered charity (Charity Registration 1073013). It aims to support and facilitate community environmental activity which works to conserve, enhance and...

Denby Dale Parish Environment Trust (DDPET) website 01484 861239

Denby Village Conservation Group

We are a village based organisation dedicated to keeping Denby a great place to live and visit. We are an enthusiastic set of volunteers who keep our village a vibrant, safe and pleasant environment for...

Denby Village Conservation Group website 01484 863233

Emley & Emley Moor Community Group

We are local residents who together strive to enhance better social & environmental amenities for our community. This takes many forms from Chair Yoga for seniors, movie nights showing box office hits,... 07773846032

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees

Various locations...

EPIKS (or Environmental Projects in Kirklees) aims to make our towns and villages a better place to live, work and study and to give people an opportunity to make difference on 'climate issues'. We have...

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees website 07769 165704

Golcar Lily Environment Group

Golcar Lily Environment Group we are all volunteers and local residents. We aim to: • Improve the appearance of the village of Golcar • Increase the number of villagers engaged in environmental activity • Organise...

Golcar Lily Environment Group website

Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns (MASTT)

MASTT is a local organisation that promotes climate friendly activities and ideas in our area - Upper Colne Valley - Marsden, Slaithwaite. We are a group of people from the local community who meet regularly...

Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns (MASTT) website

Stocksmoor Village Association

The Association was formed to represent the interests of Stocksmoor residents. We are active in improving the village and informing residents about issues affecting the village. Please our website for...

Stocksmoor Village Association website

The Lepton Village Preservation Society

We are improving Lepton Village for its residents by planting trees, clearing weeds and rubbish, providing interest through a willow deer sculpture, mosaics, planters and name stones as well as initiatives...

The Lepton Village Preservation Society website

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