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Scope (Equality for disabled people)

The title can be amended only by Community Directory – this is to avoid the chance of it being changed to a different organisation, which may affect links. If you’d like to alter your organisation title please contact Community Directory.


Description – please include

  • what your organisation does and who it’s for
  • when you meet
  • any issues about joining or attending meetings (e.g. if there is a waiting list)
  • prices for attending meetings

Web site – please add the organisation’s main web address. Other links can be added under Further Information.


Include any ways of contacting your organisation that you’re happy to publish on the Web. If you’re giving someone else’s details, first ensure they’re happy for these details to be published.

Please include an e mail address for the organisation if at all possible. It need not be published, but it is helpful to us as we use e mail for updating purposes.

If you’re the main contact for the group, click on the Primary contact box.

N.b. If there is an out of date contact in place you need to delete this and add a new contact.

  1. We're Scope, the disability equality charity in England and Wales. We:
    provide practical information and emotional support when it's most needed
    campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.

    Scope's Helpline
    Our helpline provides free, independent and impartial advice and support on issues that matter to disabled people and their families. Our information officers can answer questions and talk you through a wide range of topics connected with disability, including: benefits, finance, social care, work, equipment and assistive technology and housing and home adaptations. We can also put you in touch with local providers of information and support and other Scope services in your area.

    Navigate (Emotional Support for Parents of a Disabled Child)
    Navigate provides support at the start of your journey as a parent of a disabled child. It's a six-week programme that aims to put you in touch with a personal advisor, helping you to talk about your feelings and concerns. Navigate is a 6-week programme that puts you in touch with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns. Please contact us for more details at or call 0808 801 0510.

    Support to Work (Employment Support Programme)
    Support to Work is an online and telephone support programme for disabled people in England and Wales who are applying for jobs.
    What you will get
    Dedicated employment advisers
    You will get help from one of our specialist employment advisers with:
    employability skills like time management and confidence
    writing your CV
    preparing for interviews.
    We will advise you on many aspects of applying for a job. But we won’t write a job application for you, talk to employers on your behalf, or find you work experience.
    12-week action plan
    Your employment adviser will work with you to create a confidential, personally tailored 12-week action plan. Your plan might include things like:
    reading job seekers' advice
    writing a CV or cover letter from a template
    research for an interview.
    We’ll keep your plan online, so you’ll need access to the internet.
    Your adviser will be on hand to help you throughout the 12 weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks your time with the adviser will be up, but you'll still have access to your plan and all its resources online.
    For more information about how we can support you, please visit

    Our online disability forum is a vibrant and supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information, and talk to people with similar experiences. Our forum includes a wide range of support including support groups, discussions and talking to a community advisor.
    For more information about our online community, please visit:


Scope's Helpline
0808 800 3333

Organisation last updated

  1. 05 June 2023

Normally we add categories for you when the entry is set up, but you have the option to edit them. Very occasionally some categories have restricted usage and we’ll let you know if we feel there’s a problem.

The categories are tiered with the broadest first. Click on the plus sign till you find the specific categories that best suit your group.

Scope (Equality for disabled people) image


Use this field to give more details of items relating to your meetings or premises, such as parking, public transport, disabled access and toilets, crèche, computers.

Scope's HelplineOur helpline provides free, independent and impartial advice and support on issues that matter to disabled people and their families. Our information officers can answer questions and talk you through a wide range of topics connected with disability, including: benefits, finance, social care, work, equipment and assistive technology and housing and home adaptations. We can also put you in touch with local providers of information and support and other Scope services in your area. Freephone: 0808 800 3333
Navigate (Emotional Support for Parents)Navigate provides support at the start of your journey as a parent of a disabled child. It's a six-week programme that aims to put you in touch with a personal advisor, helping you to talk about your feelings and concerns. About the service Navigate is a 6-week programme that puts you in touch with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns. Your personal adviser will work with you to:explore your needs and personal goalsagree your 6-week action plan, andprovide you with

Further information

You may have added your web address earlier, but in this field you can add further sites that may be useful. You can also add documents relating to your organisation.

Information not correct?

If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*