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Huddersfield Serene Reflection (Soto Zen) Meditation Group

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  1. We are a local group of ordinary lay people who have found the practice of simple sitting meditation and Buddhist teaching extremely helpful in our daily lives.

    The group is affiliated to the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. We have strong links with the Order's temples in the UK, particularly Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey in Northumberland, a Zen Buddhist monastery with resident men and women monks (

    Group meetings take place on Wednesday evenings. These meetings are conducted by Zoom on a weekly basis, and face-to-face once a month (typically the second Wednesday of the month) at a venue in Wooldale near Holmfirth.

    If you could call us before you visit for the first time then we can be sure that one of the members who are trained to give you meditation instruction will be available to talk to you.

    You are very welcome to join us for meditation, without any obligation. Full instruction is provided. In our practice we do not insist on any particular sitting position. We will help you to find the best position for you.

    There is no charge - a small donation to cover costs is welcome.

    Please see our website for more details.


Jill and Tony Johnson
01484 681300

Organisation last updated

  1. 15 July 2024

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Huddersfield Serene Reflection (Soto Zen) Meditation Group  image


  1. We are a local group affiliated to the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, a monastic and lay Order founded by Rev. Master Jiyu Kennet. The main temple of the Order in the UK is Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey ( in Northumberland, which was founded by Rev. Master Jiyu in 1972. Throssel Hole has a resident community of male and female monks, and provides the main source of teaching and inspiration for our group.

    The Huddersfield group is one of a number of local groups around the country, and has been running since 1990.

Information not correct?

If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*