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Organisations in category:


8 results found

Community grants and funding (Kirklees Council)

Please see the website for an overview of funding opportunities.

Community grants and funding (Kirklees Council) website

Growing Great Places

Have you got a great idea for making your local place even better? Want to connect with others who can help make it happen and raise funds to get going? The Growing Great Places programme, run by Kirklees...

Growing Great Places website

Huddersfield Common Good Trust and Huddersfield Cinderella Society

The Common Good Trust can provide grants to local charitable groups (not individuals) for repairs, equipment etc. Grants cannot be given for general running costs. Covers Huddersfield and South Kirklees. The...

Huddersfield Common Good Trust and Huddersfield Cinderella Society website 07717 453912

Kirklees Community Plus

Supporting you and your Community to be safe, connected and well We can help: - Build your confidence - Connect you to local groups and activities - Connect you to Volunteering, training and employment...

Kirklees Community Plus website

Let June Make A Difference

We are a charity created in 2015 dedicated to helping children and young people who are in full-time education and live or study in North Kirklees. Applications for support can be made through our website.

Let June Make A Difference website

One Community Foundation

Established in May 2010, One Community Foundation is a non-profit organisation and registered charity created to generate financial support for Kirklees based community activities. Our role is to build...

One Community Foundation website

Spenborough Forget-Me-Not Fund

A charitable organisation providing relief of financial hardship, to members or former members of the Armed Forces, their spouses, children and dependents, who currently live in the Spenborough area. Spenborough...

01274 878196

The Cuckoo's Nest (Marsden)

We are a charity shop, raising money chiefly for local groups, or other groups which serve residents of Marsden. We accept applications for grants twice a year in March and September. Revised shop hours...

The Cuckoo's Nest (Marsden) website 01484 846365