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13 results found

Community Links Engagement & Recovery (CLEAR)

Various locations...

Community Links Engagement and Recovery (CLEAR) is a group-based recovery-focused health and wellbeing service for individuals with mental health needs including dementia. We provide a range of social,...

Community Links Engagement & Recovery (CLEAR) website 01484 519097

Conscious Youth C.I.C

Conscious Youth is an award winning community organisation led by & for young people that seeks to redress the balance by developing their skills, knowledge & aspirations. We are a C.IC based in Huddersfield...

Conscious Youth C.I.C website

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees

Various locations...

EPIKS (or Environmental Projects in Kirklees) aims to make our towns and villages a better place to live, work and study and to give people an opportunity to make difference on 'climate issues'. We have...

EPIKS or Environmental Projects in Kirklees website 07769 165704

GoodGym, Huddersfield (runners who also do good)

GoodGym is a community of runners who get together, run together and undertake tasks together which benefit community groups, non-for profit organisations and charities. Tasks can include planting trees,...

GoodGym, Huddersfield (runners who also do good) website


Greenstreams promotes biodiversity, improved public access and organises volunteer clean-ups of the river corridor (River Colne). We work with local business partners and community organisations to improve...

Greenstreams website 07769 165704

Huddersfield Society for the Blind

The Huddersfield Society for the Blind was established in 1859 to provide activities and facilities for blind and partially sighted people living within the Old Borough of Huddersfield. Although times...

Huddersfield Society for the Blind website 01484 538384

Kirklees Reading Friends

Come and join the Reading Friends Volunteers! Reading Friends are trained volunteers providing effective reading support in primary schools. They are men and women of all ages from a wide range of communities....

New Horizons Scouts, Huddersfield

The Scout movement is a movement which aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills. We are part of the Huddersfield...

Sanctuary Kirklees

Sanctuary Kirklees is part of the national City of Sanctuary movement aiming to build a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary in the UK. Our goal is to create a network of groups and organisations...

Sanctuary Kirklees website

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield

We are sited in the heart of Huddersfield, a short 5 minute walk from the Town Centre. Oasis Care Support Services, based at the Centre, run a Domestic Support/Befriending/Sitting Service. We hold a...

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield website

The Welcome Centre - food bank and more

A registered charity and food bank supporting people in crisis in South Kirklees by providing emergency food, toiletries, home starter packs, bedding, towels etc, for collection or delivery (in certain...

The Welcome Centre - food bank and more website 01484 515086

TSL Kirklees (Third Sector Leaders)

TSL Kirklees is a small local charity that helps charities, community and voluntary groups, and social enterprises in Kirklees grow and develop, and help them make great things happen that support local...

TSL Kirklees (Third Sector Leaders) website

TSL Kirklees Volunteering Team (formerly Volunteering Kirklees)

TSL Kirklees Volunteering is the official Volunteer Centre for Kirklees. We help individuals looking to volunteer and match them to charities/groups/organisations looking for volunteers and trustees....

TSL Kirklees Volunteering Team (formerly Volunteering Kirklees) website 01484 519053