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You searched for 'Older people'

6 results found

Birkby St John The Evangelist Church

St John's is part of the Church of England. We have regular worship each Sunday at 9.15 am and Wednesday at 10am. We hold coffee mornings on the third Saturday of every month 10am to 12pm. We also have...

Birkby St John The Evangelist Church website

Community Church Huddersfield

Our Vision: To make the love of God real in the real world Our vision is to be part of God’s vision for his Church. It is the purpose of every church, of the Church, to be the body of Christ. Jesus Christ...

Community Church Huddersfield website 01484551551

Elim Pentecostal Church, Huddersfield

Sunday services at 10.30am and 6.30pm. The Elim Pentecostal Church, in the heart of Huddersfield, is an international congregation of all ages. Pentecostal by doctrine and practice we reach out with...

Elim Pentecostal Church, Huddersfield website 01484 535554

Oasis Care Support Services

Oasis Care Support Services aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness of older members of the Huddersfield African-Caribbean community, but not exclusively, by providing a range of activities that...

Oasis Care Support Services website

Shaping Care In Kirklees

Shaping Care in Kirklees CIC is a not-for-profit, Community Interest Company. We provide wellbeing activities and will seek to be registered with CQC to provide domiciliary care to residents of Kirklees...

Shaping Care In Kirklees website

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield

We are sited in the heart of Huddersfield, a short 5 minute walk from the Town Centre. Oasis Care Support Services, based at the Centre, run a Domestic Support/Befriending/Sitting Service. We hold a...

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield website