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Organisations in category:

Disability support groups

5 results found

Almondbury Disabled Leisure Group 97

We are a social and leisure club for disabled people and their carers. We meet every Tuesday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm and cover Almondbury and district. We have speakers, bingo, coffee and biscuits, and... 07782 414932

Carers Trust Mid Yorkshire

Carers Trust Mid Yorkshire, a local charity working with unpaid family carers in Kirklees. Local communities have trusted us for over 35 years to reduce their stress by providing regular breaks to unpaid...

Carers Trust Mid Yorkshire website 01484 537036

Huddersfield Deaf Centre

The Centre offers social and recreational facilities, and welcomes anyone who has a degree of hearing loss. It is a social meeting place for deaf and hard of hearing people. The Centre is open on Fridays...

Huddersfield Deaf Centre website 01484 542713

Huddersfield Society for the Blind

The Huddersfield Society for the Blind was established in 1859 to provide activities and facilities for blind and partially sighted people living within the Old Borough of Huddersfield. Although times...

Huddersfield Society for the Blind website 01484 538384

Mencap in Kirklees

Campaigning for the rights of people with learning disability and their family and carers. We offer advice and information, befriending, residential care, day care, employment training, leisure groups...

Mencap in Kirklees website 01484 340811

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