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4 results found

Friends of Marsden Park

We are working to rejuvenate the Park for the benefit of the whole community. We meet at 7pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the Marsden Mechanics Institute. Regular task days during the Summer months. All...

Friends of Marsden Park website 07935 243056

Golcar Lily Environment Group

Golcar Lily Environment Group we are all volunteers and local residents. We aim to: • Improve the appearance of the village of Golcar • Increase the number of villagers engaged in environmental activity • Organise...

Golcar Lily Environment Group website

Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns (MASTT)

MASTT is a local organisation that promotes climate friendly activities and ideas in our area - Upper Colne Valley - Marsden, Slaithwaite. We are a group of people from the local community who meet regularly...

Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns (MASTT) website

Wellhouse Community Trust

A group which aims to preserve, conserve, promote and protect any building or land of important historic or architectural interest in the area and to preserve and promote the heritage and environment of...

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