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Organisations in category:

Folk dancing

3 results found

Irish Set Dancing Group (Huddersfield)

Learn and practise set dances such as Kerry, Cashel, Connemara and Monaghan. Beginners and newcomers welcome. The aim is to enjoy and keep alive Irish traditional dance and music. Meetings on Monday at... 01484 545355

White Rose Folk Dance Club, Huddersfield

The dances are mainly English folk dances comprising longways, squares, 3 and 4 couple sets with instructions called. Meetings are held fortnightly (usually) on Fridays between September and May - 7.45pm...

01484 316208

White Rose Morris Men

Traditional men's Morris Dance side, performing Cotswold stick and handkerchief dances, and celebrating their 67th Anniversary in 2020! Meetings on Wednesday at 8pm.

White Rose Morris Men website

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