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White Rose Morris Men

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  1. Traditional men's Morris Dance side, performing Cotswold stick and handkerchief dances, and celebrating their 67th Anniversary in 2020!

    Meetings on Wednesday at 8pm.


White Rose Morris Men

Organisation last updated

  1. 16 December 2024

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White Rose Morris Men image


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  1. Originally formed in the autumn of 1953 by a number of Leeds University Morris Men and others who wished to form a non-university side, White Rose met initially in the Burley Road scout headquarters and was helped by Ron Smedley, the EFDSS* Yorkshire Area Organiser. Co-operation continued with the Leeds University Men resulting in the joint hosting of the 53rd Morris Ring Meeting in Leeds in 1956 although it was to be 1959 before White Rose were admitted as a member side into the Morris Ring**. In 1971, the club moved its base to Huddersfield and organised the 215th Ring Meeting in the town in 1986.

    Cliff Barstow, the founder member of White Rose, no longer dances but continues to support the club at dance-outs watching his son (Ned) and grandson (Joseph) who are stalwarts of the present side.

    A familiar sight in distinctive 'whites' with green baldricks and straw hats at Holmfirth Folk Festival and other local events, White Rose promote the South Midlands (or Cotswold) tradition 'Up North' and have also danced in Sweden, Jersey, Provence and Romania.

    White Rose has spawned the vigorous young associate side Dog Rose that appeared recently in the English Roots and Demon Barbers folk roadshows touring nationwide and bringing 'the morris' to a wider audience.

    Celebrations for our Diamond Jubilee will be taking place throughout the year, including a celebratory weekend in May when traditional dance sides will descend on Huddersfield from around the country.

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If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*