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9 results found
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet on Tuesday We are a Scout group which has its Headquarters in Track Road, Batley near to the Al-Hikmah Centre. The building is available for hire for parties of 100-150...
Batley Carr (St Andrew) 7th Batley Scouts website 01924 901465
The Salvation Army in Batley has extensive facilities housing a diverse programme including a busy charity shop, community café and a wide range of programmes for young people alongside the traditional...
Batley Salvation Army website 01924 443718
Please see our website for more details and to contact us. The Church owns a hall which is available for community use.
Batley St Thomas Church website
Sunday Services. Coffee morning on Thursdays. We may have an upstairs room with kitchen facilities for hire by groups or individuals - please see our website for contact details for bookings and to...
Birstall Methodist Church website 01274 783940
The Church Hall available for bookings by local groups and for parties - please make enquiries through our website. Many activities take place at this venue, please see the website for more detailed information...
Brownhill St Saviour's Church website
Community cricket club with junior & senior teams playing matches between April and September, events & activities throughout the year, licensed bar, venue available for hire with large outdoor field. Please... 01924 620053
The Centre is the Heavy Woollen District Scout Headquarters and is also available for booking by community groups. Please contact the Booking Secretary for more details. 01274 861138
Please see our website for details of services. We have a Community Hall where various groups are held - more information is provided on our website.
St Andrews Church and Community Hall, Purlwell website
The Crescent & Co decided to launch as a CIC (Community Interest Company) in order to make more of a difference and combat the needs of the community. We offer a range of services from befriending, coffee... 01924444929