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Organisations in category:

Walking and rambling

3 results found

Experience Community (Experience Kirklees)

Experience Community is a Community Interest Company formed in 2011, we organise walks and outdoor activities for disabled people and the wider community in Kirklees and beyond into the wider Yorkshire...

Experience Community (Experience Kirklees) website

Halifax and Huddersfield IVC

Do you want to broaden your social life and make new friends? We are one of over 40 IVC groups across the country, where members plan their own social events to share with others. Activities include...

Halifax and Huddersfield IVC website

YHA TRAC (The really active club)

Activities every weekend: walking and other outdoor and indoor activities. Regular mid-week events and weekends away. Suitable for family and individuals. Please see our website for programme.

YHA TRAC (The really active club) website

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