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YHA TRAC (The really active club)

The title can be amended only by Community Directory – this is to avoid the chance of it being changed to a different organisation, which may affect links. If you’d like to alter your organisation title please contact Community Directory.


Description – please include

  • what your organisation does and who it’s for
  • when you meet
  • any issues about joining or attending meetings (e.g. if there is a waiting list)
  • prices for attending meetings

Web site – please add the organisation’s main web address. Other links can be added under Further Information.


Include any ways of contacting your organisation that you’re happy to publish on the Web. If you’re giving someone else’s details, first ensure they’re happy for these details to be published.

Please include an e mail address for the organisation if at all possible. It need not be published, but it is helpful to us as we use e mail for updating purposes.

If you’re the main contact for the group, click on the Primary contact box.

N.b. If there is an out of date contact in place you need to delete this and add a new contact.

  1. Activities every weekend: walking and other outdoor and indoor activities. Regular mid-week events and weekends away. Suitable for family and individuals.
    Please see our website for programme.


Youth Hostel TRAC

Organisation last updated

  1. 18 November 2024

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The categories are tiered with the broadest first. Click on the plus sign till you find the specific categories that best suit your group.

YHA TRAC (The really active club) image


  1. Click to add the history of your organisation.TRAC is The Really Active Club, the club for people who enjoy all sorts of outdoor and social activities.
    We have members from Wakefield, Leeds, York, Goole, Huddersfield, and many places in between.
    But it doesn’t matter where you live, if you are prepared to travel to any of our events you will always be welcomed.

    It’s the club for people who believe there’s more to life than watching telly but don’t want to dedicate their spare time to a single activity. The focus of the group though is walking. Walks range from the really gentle poddle to more strenuous long distance walks. But we don’t just walk. We’ve been pot holing, had holidays in Scotland and Ireland, gone to the theatre, been go karting, had cheese nights and quiz nights, gone on weekends to youth hostels, tried skiing and wind surfing (but not at the same time), had barbeques and parties….. in fact you name it – we’ve probably done it!!!

Information not correct?

If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*