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Organisations in category:

Social clubs

5 results found

Battyeford Church Of Christ The King

Wednesday services: 10am. Sunday services: 8am, 3rd Sunday in the month, and 10am every Sunday. In addition, Family@4pm, is held on the 2nd Sunday in the month and the Iona service is held at 5pm,...

Battyeford Church Of Christ The King website

Empathy group (Dewsbury)

Based in Dewsbury we are a multicultural community group aiming to bring different people from all backgrounds together at various social and educational events. We have begun working with the local Church,...

Empathy group (Dewsbury) website 07830 928 595

Good News for Everyone (Huddersfield Branch)

Formerly known as Gideon's UK. A friendly and active Christian association which distributes free Bibles to hotels, hospitals etc. Covers all areas with an HD postcode. Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays...

Good News for Everyone (Huddersfield Branch) website

Heckmondwike Salvation Army

Please see website or get in touch for more information about weekly activities. Sunday- Morning Worship (10.30am) Rooms in our centre are available for hire.

Heckmondwike Salvation Army website 01924 408714

North Kirklees Interfaith

• To improve relations and understanding between Muslims and Christians, and those of other faiths in North Kirklees. • To improve the quality of life of local people by working together on...

North Kirklees Interfaith website