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Organisations in category:

Rural conservation

4 results found

Denby Dale Parish Countryside Project

The project works with local people in Denby Dale parish to promote landscape and nature conservation, environmental awareness, countryside recreation and access. Regular events and conservation tasks. 01484 861239

Friends of Storthes Hall Woods

The aim of the group is to conserve and regenerate the woodlands of Storthes Hall, their flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource and promote their use by local people as a place for...

Friends of Storthes Hall Woods website 01484 606891

Ten Villages Conservation Group

The 10 villages conservation group is a practical conservation group which undertakes a task once a month around the Denby Dale parish, led by the Countryside Officer. A major project is the linking...

Ten Villages Conservation Group website 01484 861239

The Lepton Village Preservation Society

We are improving Lepton Village for its residents by planting trees, clearing weeds and rubbish, providing interest through a willow deer sculpture, mosaics, planters and name stones as well as initiatives...

The Lepton Village Preservation Society website

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