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Organisations in category:

Crime and disputes

14 results found

Anti-Social Behaviour (Kirklees Council)

Please see the website for more information, and contact details for advice and assistance if you are suffering from any form of anti-social behaviour.

Anti-Social Behaviour (Kirklees Council) website

Citizens Advice Witness Service

Giving evidence as a witness can be daunting and the court process can be complicated and difficult to understand. The Citizens Advice Witness Service provides free and independent support for both prosecution...

Citizens Advice Witness Service website

Community Links Changes

About the service Community Links Changes Service provides a specialist support service to women and men who have complex needs and have experienced trauma. They have offending history or maybe at risk...

Community Links Changes website 01924 448975

Foundation Kirklees

Foundation is a regional charity working with the kind of people that society sometimes ignores: offenders, single homeless, women who are victims of domestic abuse and young people at risk. In Kirklees...

Foundation Kirklees website 01484 550686

Freedom Personal Safety

We are a social enterprise who run workshops and courses in Kirklees on how to stay safe, with emphasis on ending violence against women and girls. Established in 2008, we work with community groups,...

Freedom Personal Safety website 07768 341326

Kirklees Youth Justice Service (YJS)

The principal aim of Kirklees Youth Justice Service (YJS) is to prevent offending by children and young people. We seek to fulfil this aim by: • working with others to prevent crime and the fear of...

01484 226263

Neighbour problems concerning noise or pollution (Kirklees Council)

Please see website to seek advice on on neighbour nuisances, including bonfires, odours and noise.

Neighbour problems concerning noise or pollution (Kirklees Council) website

Neighbourhood Policing Teams (Kirklees)

Neighbourhood Policing works with the local community and other partner agencies to reduce crime and the fear of crime. In conjunction with local schools and local voluntary organisations, it helps to...

Neighbourhood Policing Teams (Kirklees) website

Safer Kirklees (Kirklees Council web page)

As part of the Safer Kirklees Community Safety Partnership there is a dedicated Safer Kirklees Team. The team provides support to partners and local authority departments in achieving the outcomes within...

Safer Kirklees (Kirklees Council web page) website

Victim Support

If you’ve been affected by crime you can call your local victim care team in West Yorkshire. Please see our web page for more details.

Victim Support website 0300 303 1971

West Yorkshire Police - Neighbourhood Watch

Please see the website for more details of Neighbourhood Watch and how to contact your local co-ordinator, and your neighbourhood policing team.

West Yorkshire Police - Neighbourhood Watch website

WomenCentre Kirklees

Various locations...

WomenCentre Kirklees provides holistic, one-stop services at our centres in Huddersfield and Dewsbury and in the community. Our wide-ranging services include emotional and practical support on issues...

WomenCentre Kirklees website 01484 450866

Yorkshire Mediation Services

A charitable not for profit voluntary sector organisation, working to resolve conflict across the region including Kirklees. We work with neighbours, communities, workplaces, young people, families and...

Yorkshire Mediation Services website 0113 242 4110