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6 results found

Happy Memories Dementia Support Groups and Luncheon Club

Various locations...

Support groups for people with dementia and their carers. St. Andrews Support Group is a voluntary run organisation consisting of 2 twice-monthly activity groups, and a monthly Luncheon Club. The Happy...

Happy Memories Dementia Support Groups and Luncheon Club website

Home from Home Friendship Group

A friendly, welcoming group for those living with dementia and related illnesses, and their carers. The Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at Kirkheaton Community Centre, Huddersfield...

Kirklees Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP)

The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Group (DEEP) is the UK network of dementia voices of people with a lived experience of dementia to share learning and skills and increase confidence in the community....

Kirklees Dementia Friendly Communities Steering Group

Members of the local community and businesses aiming to improve the lives of people living with dementia and their carers. Please see our facebook page or contact us for more details.

Kirklees Dementia Friendly Communities Steering Group website 01484 411 074

Knowl Park House Dementia Day Opportunities (Mirfield)

Kirklees Council runs one day centre known as Knowl Park House in Mirfield. which has recently been refurbished. Provides day care for older people with dementia. Please see the web link for more details...

Knowl Park House Dementia Day Opportunities (Mirfield) website

The Denby Dale Centre

Various locations...

The Denby Dale Centre is now known as TIMEtogether; a local charity. We aim to connect people, reduce isolation & relieve loneliness, and improve quality of life, by providing Activities, Transport and...

The Denby Dale Centre website 01484 860077