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Organisations in category:

Parks and playgrounds

11 results found

Friends of Beaumont Park, Huddersfield

The Friends of Beaumont Park is a voluntary group actively working with Kirklees Council to regenerate the Park and restore it to its former glory. We also organise a wide programme of events in the...

Friends of Beaumont Park, Huddersfield website

Friends of Crow Nest Park

We are a community group who work to make the most of this beautiful Victorian park. We help to maintain the beautiful walled gardens and greenhouses for our local community to enjoy. As well as arranging...

Friends of Crow Nest Park website

Friends of Marsden Park

We are working to rejuvenate the Park for the benefit of the whole community. We meet at 7pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the Marsden Mechanics Institute. Regular task days during the Summer months. All...

Friends of Marsden Park website 07935 243056

Friends of Mirfield Memorial Park

The Friends of Mirfield Memorial Park was formed in 2019 as a follow-up to Mirfield Playground Project, which was a voluntary community organisation aiming to improve the children's play area at Mirfield...

Friends of Mirfield Memorial Park website

Friends of Rectory Park Thornhill

Formed in May 2010 Friends of Rectory Park is for people who are passionate about the park and its history. Our main aims are the preservation and restoration of the Grade 2 listed Island which contains...

Friends of Rectory Park Thornhill website

Friends of Tolson Museum and Ravensknowle Park

Various locations...

Group supporting Tolson Museum and Ravensknowle Park. Please see our facebook for more details.

Friends of Tolson Museum and Ravensknowle Park website 01484 223240

Friends of West End Park, Cleckheaton

We are regular users of West End Park who work with the Council to maintain and improve its appearance and facilities so that more people can use, love and respect it. We are a loose and informally welcoming... 07876 194290

Friends Of Wilton Park, Batley

We are a voluntary community friends group established in March 2015 with the aim of improving all aspects of Wilton Park and its facilities. The Council, based in Huddersfield, does a good job with ever...

Friends Of Wilton Park, Batley website

The Friends of Greenhead Park (FoGP)

Various locations...

The Friends of Greenhead Park is an independent voluntary group that works in partnership with Kirklees Council to ensure that our park is safe, attractive and well-used. The Friends of Greenhead Park: •encourage...

The Friends of Greenhead Park (FoGP) website

The Friends of Norman Park (Birkby)

Welcome to the Friends of Norman Park. We are a voluntary group helping to take care of the park for the community and wildlife to enjoy. We have regular work days in park, including litter picks, footpath...

The Friends of Norman Park (Birkby) website 07927960967

The Friends of Scholes Recreation Ground

The Friends of Scholes Recreation Ground group seeks funding opportunities for the development of ‘The Rec’ (as it is locally known) and is active in improving the park environment. The recreation ground...

The Friends of Scholes Recreation Ground website

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