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Organisations in category:

Photographic clubs

4 results found

Batley and District Camera Club

Affiliated to the Photographics Alliance of Great Britain through the Yorkshire Photographic Union. Meetings on Tuesday at 7.30pm (September to May). Please see our website for more details.

Batley and District Camera Club website

Dewsbury Photographic Group

The group caters for all photographers, providing talks from outside speakers, competitions, and practical sessions. These include portrait sessions, and instruction in the use of computer-based photograph...

Dewsbury Photographic Group website

Holmfirth Camera Club

Meetings on Monday at 7.45pm (September to April). Spring and summer outings. Practical evenings. Internal and external competitions. Guest speakers Beginners and more experienced photographers welcome

Holmfirth Camera Club website

Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club

We are the principle camera club in the Huddersfield area. Affiliated to the Yorkshire Photographic Union and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. We hold an Annual exhibition of our best work in...

Huddersfield Photo-Imaging Club website 01484 511499


