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You searched for 'Older people'

5 results found

Golcar St John The Evangelist Church (includes hosted groups

Please see our website for details of our services and to contact us. Also for details of various groups who meet at the Church including: The luncheon club, which is run by the community for the community...

Golcar St John The Evangelist Church (includes hosted groups website 01484 647400

Just Movement - chair-based classes

Various locations...

Just Movement is a not-for-profit organisation delivering fun, chair based dance classes for older adults and those with limited movement. Currently classes are as shown however please check our website...

Just Movement - chair-based classes website 07899 751049

Longwood Mechanics Hall

Longwood Mechanics Hall is a multi purpose community building available for hire to organised groups and individuals. Licensed for the performance of Dance, Live and Recorded Music, Film Shows, Plays and...

Longwood Mechanics Hall website

Milnsbridge Baptist Church

The Church is part of Yorkshire Baptist Association. Services on Sunday at 10.30am. Bible study on Tuesday at 7.30pm.(via Zoom) On most Mondays at 2pm we run a group called Monday@2 for elderly / lonely...

Milnsbridge Baptist Church website

Vintage Brass

We are a brass band of mostly retired folk, based in Golcar, Huddersfield. We rehearse on Tuesday evenings and are available for hire for local events. New members are always welcome.

Vintage Brass website 07939 525939