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Organisations in category:

Youth groups and activities

5 results found

Batley Tae Kwon Do

Batley Tae Kwon Do is a member of the T.A.G.B (Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain). Tae Kwon Do is suitable for all ages from 6 years and above. There are many aspects to this martial art, such...

Batley Tae Kwon Do website 07803172895

Batley Xplosion Cheerleaders

Cheerleaders for Batley Bulldogs Rugby league Club. Please see our website for more details.

Batley Xplosion Cheerleaders website

Chris and Lucy Beaumont School of Dance

Various classes for aged 3 upwards. Please contact us for more details.

Chris and Lucy Beaumont School of Dance website 07976 596447

Fearless People (North Kirklees)

Not for profit group organising activities for communities, families and young people. Please see facebook page for more details.

Fearless People (North Kirklees) website

Sarah Taylor Dance Studios

Classes for children from 2.5 years in Ballet, Tap, Acro/Gymnastics, Disco, Street, Freestyle, Funky Movers, Cheerleading, Musical Theatre, and Modern Jazz.. Adult classes in Ballet, Body Tone, Tap...

Sarah Taylor Dance Studios website 01924 898844