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You searched for 'Older people'

5 results found

Chickenley Hub

Mission statement 1) To protect, preserve and advance all aspects of the health and welfare of the local Chickenley community and to advance and promote health, well-being and education by engaging in,...

Chickenley Hub website 01924 464060

Chickenley Thursday Club

The Chickenley Thursday Group meet each Thursday at Chickenley Community Centre between 12noon and 4pm The group is for mature adults who wish to meets to socialise and play bingo. The group was originally... 01924 464060

Cloverleaf Advocacy

We provide person centred advocacy services for people with mental health needs, people with learning disabilities, people with physical or sensory impairments, acquired brain injury, older people and...

Cloverleaf Advocacy website 01924 454875

Dewsbury Mount Tabor (Shaw Cross Community Church)

Interdenominational Community church. Family service 11am Sundays. Please see our facebook page for more details and to contact us.

Dewsbury Mount Tabor (Shaw Cross Community Church) website

Young at Heart (Batley and Dewsbury area)

Young at Heart is a volunteer led group that meets weekly we aim to support people who may be feeling isolated or lonely and who would like to socialise and make new friends. We are a small friendly...