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3 results found

Groups for isolated people and those with dementia (Kirkburton, Denby Dale area)

Various locations...

The Denby Dale Centre runs groups in Kirkburton and Denby Dale for socially isolated people including Luncheon Club, and Cream Tea afternoons in Denby Dale and the popular Film and Food Club in Kirkburton. There...

Groups for isolated people and those with dementia (Kirkburton, Denby Dale area) website 01484 860077

The Denby Dale Centre

Various locations...

The Denby Dale Centre is now known as TIMEtogether; a local charity. We aim to connect people, reduce isolation & relieve loneliness, and improve quality of life, by providing Activities, Transport and...

The Denby Dale Centre website 01484 860077

The Hub, Kirkburton

The Denby Dale Centre runs activities at our own building known as the Hub in Kirkburton. The Hub can also be hired by organisations and individuals for activities which benefit local people. Please...

The Hub, Kirkburton website 01484 860077