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Organisations in category:
4 results found
Official charity for the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS. Based in Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. We raise funds to help our hospital go above and beyond to support our patients and staff. We help our supporters...
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Charity website 01484344344
Friends of Lindley Infant School is a fundraising group helping to support classroom activities. Please see our facebook for latest details.
Friends of Lindley Infant School (FOLIS) website 01484 646888
Please contact the Secretary for details of the next meeting, normally on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Visitors are welcome to come along to sample what we do and explore possibilities of joining us...
Huddersfield RAFA (Royal Air Forces Association) website 07369 231172
Please contact the Yorkshire Cancer Research hq for more details of this group and to contact them.
Yorkshire Cancer Research Huddersfield Committee website 01423 501269