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Organisations in category:

Women's Institutes

8 results found

Burton Belles (W.I. Kirkburton)

Women's Institute. Meet Burton Village Hall 3rd Thurday of month at 7.30pm

Burton Belles (W.I. Kirkburton) website 0113 2550810

Clayton West Women's Institute

Meetings - 1st Wednesday of month at 7.30pm New members and visitors welcome. Please see web page to join.

Clayton West Women's Institute website 0113 2550810

Farnley Tyas Womens Institute

Meet on last Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Lucius Church, Farnley Tyas summer months and The Golden Cock, Farnley Tyas winter months

Farnley Tyas Womens Institute website 0113 2550810

Fixby and Brighouse Women's Institute

Meet Huddersfield Golf Club on 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm

Fixby and Brighouse Women's Institute website 0113 2550810

Marsden WI Cuckoos

Please see Federation Website for meeting details.

Marsden WI Cuckoos website 0113 2550810

Shepley Womens Institute

Interesting speakers and visits to places of interest. The WI provides a social and educational organisation for women, enabling them to develop their own skills and talents in a friendly and social atmosphere. Main...

Shepley Womens Institute website 0113 2550810

Slaithwaite Womens Institute

Meetings - 3rd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm. We meet in the Cricket Club August through to March then in Slaithwaite Church April to July. Please see website for more details including a link to our...

Slaithwaite Womens Institute website 01484 843562

Stocksmoor Womens Institute

Interesting speakers, outings, modern youthful outlook, warm welcome. Meetings - 2nd Wednesday in month at 7.30pm. Please see website for more details, or contact the West Yorkshire Federation.

Stocksmoor Womens Institute website 0113 2550810

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