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Organisations in category:

Counselling services

4 results found

Huddersfield Samaritans

Confidential emotional support service for anyone in distress and /or experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings. Phone lines open 24 hours. Support also offered through e mail. You are also welcome to...

Huddersfield Samaritans website

Platform 1 - mental health and crisis support (Huddersfield)

Platform 1 is a Mental Health and Crisis Support charity based in Huddersfield town and working in diverse communities throughout Yorkshire. We support Men and Women over the age of 16 with complex and...

Platform 1 - mental health and crisis support (Huddersfield) website

The Tree of Life Centre

We are a Christian counselling, college and resource centre based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. We provide a counselling service to anyone age 16 or over in need, people do not have to be a Christian...

The Tree of Life Centre website 01484 461098

The Walters Method

We offer one to one emotional wellbeing support. Currently we have funding to support people who have been impacted by violent crime - domestic abuse, gang related, rape and anything else that has had...

The Walters Method website 07984115927

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