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8 results found

Almondbury Ladies Choir

We are a group of ladies who enjoy singing and performing. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals are on Mondays at 7.30pm.

Almondbury Ladies Choir website

Honley Ladies Choir

Honley Ladies Choir was formed around eighty years ago in the small village of Honley, West Yorkshire. We rehearse on Thursday evenings at St. Paul's Church, Armitage Bridge. Membership has steadily increased...

Honley Ladies Choir website

Honley Male Voice Choir

Male Voice Choir. Singing and Performing. Rehearsals on Tuesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Please see our website for more details and to contact us.

Honley Male Voice Choir website

Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir

The choir, founded by Edwin Baker in 2009, is a non-profit community choir that is run entirely by volunteers. Although the choir is Christian in ethos and foundation we are open to Christians and non-Christians...

Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir website

Huddersfield Parish Church Choir

The choir sing a wide range of choral music for Sunday morning services and special events.

Huddersfield Parish Church Choir website 01484 427964

Huddersfield People's Choir

3/23 closed after Covid Please ring for more details.

One Voice Huddersfield

Formerly known as Hudderfield Young Simgers the choir is split into 3 groups which correspond to year groups for aged between 4 to 18, whilst for adults there is new, exciting choir for all the community!...

One Voice Huddersfield website

The Huddersfield Singers

The Huddersfield Singers is a chamber choir of 30–40 members which was formed in 1875 as the Huddersfield Glee & Madrigal Society. The choir performs a wide variety of sacred and secular music from all...

The Huddersfield Singers website

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