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Organisations in category:

Dance classes and schools

4 results found

Bodyrockerz School of Dance (Huddersfield)

We are a large dance school which covers the Huddersfield area and caters for a large number of dance styles such as freestyle, rock 'n' roll, and street dance. For all ages. Modern 3 studio premises.

Bodyrockerz School of Dance (Huddersfield) website 07817 271974

Cat J's Academy of Dance (Longwood)

IDTA Ballet and Tap classes for ages 3-16. Classes in Longwood, Huddersfield. Please see facebook page for more details.

Cat J's Academy of Dance (Longwood) website 07908 138477

Longwood Mechanics Hall

Longwood Mechanics Hall is a multi purpose community building available for hire to organised groups and individuals. Licensed for the performance of Dance, Live and Recorded Music, Film Shows, Plays and...

Longwood Mechanics Hall website

White Rose Early Dance

White Rose Early Dance Group hold classes in historical dance, covering the 15th to the 18th centuries, in rotation. We are focused on social dance and hold an annual ball wearing costume of the period. Meetings... 01484 663842

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