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5 results found
Phab creates opportunities for young people and adults of all abilities to enjoy life together. It is open to all, and fully equipped for those with special needs. Ages 7 years and upwards. We meet at...
North Kirklees Phab Club website
Run sessions with therapy Shetland ponies for those in the local community including children and children with additional needs, care homes etc. Please see facebook page for more details.
Pony Pals Equine Therapy CIC (Thornhill) website
Sensory World has a play centre and also various activities for disabled adults. The Play Centre is a play area particularly for babies and children with a sensory impairment such as autism or aspergers. Located...
Sensory World, Dewsbury website 01924 456152
Sprout (Strong Parent Reaching Out) Our weekly Sprout project for families with children with SEND and SEMH needs. No diagnosis is required. Sprout enables engagement in fun, sociable activities which...
Sprout website 07883 905899
Various locations...
We are here to support anyone affected by ADHD; this includes both adults and children with or suspected of having ADHD, and also their parents/carers and siblings. We have regular peer support group...
West Yorkshire ADHD Support Group (support sessions in Kirklees) website