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You searched for 'Older people'

5 results found

Batley Get Active Owls

For people over 50 years of age. Activities such as table tennis, badminton, short mat bowls, aerobics, pilates, line dancing, swimming and board games. Meet: Fridays (term time only) - please contact...

Batley Get Active Owls website 01484 766131

Birstall Age Concern Activity Group

Discussions, games, entertainment, speakers, quizzes and outings. For the over 50's in Birstall and the surrounding areas. Meetings on Tuesday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. 07872 643511

Birstall Art Group

Mainly painting and drawing, watercolour, pastels, acrylics etc. We paint for pleasure and enjoy the company of like-minded people. We hold an exhibition of work each October or November. New members...

Birstall Art Group website

Heartland Yoga

Chair yoga (Howden Clough near Birstall) and chair fitness (Birkenshaw). Please see website for more details and to contact.

Heartland Yoga website

Howden Clough Community Association and Centre

Weekly Sessions of Zumba, Baby Ballet, Yoga, Chair Exercise, Coffee Morning, Toddler Stay and Play, Art and Craft Class, tai chi, and Dog Training. Also, games afternoon for retired and older people...

Howden Clough Community Association and Centre website