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Organisations in category:

Education services

11 results found

Child Employment (Kirklees Council department)

In Child Employment, we are responsible for ensuring all children who work or perform are doing so in a safe environment and that their work does not harm their education. We issue work permits for all...

Child Employment (Kirklees Council department) website 01484 221919

Childcare, Childminders, Playgroups and Day Nurseries in Kirklees

Details of day nurseries, registered childminders, playgroups, out of school clubs and crèches please see the search facility on our website, or contact the Family Information Service. We hold information...

Childcare, Childminders, Playgroups and Day Nurseries in Kirklees website 01484 414887

Cliffe House Outdoor Study and Conference Centre

Cliffe House is a centre of excellence in outdoor learning and has high class training and conference facilities set in a beautiful Grade II listed Victorian building. We provide tailor made events for...

Cliffe House Outdoor Study and Conference Centre website 01484 416416

Family Information Service (FIS)

We provide information, advice and guidance on a range of areas relating to childcare and early learning places, choosing childcare and the options available to pay for childcare. Please see our website...

Family Information Service (FIS) website 01484 414887

Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

The Service provides information, advice and support to young people and the parents and carers of children who have been or may be identified as having special educational needs. Please see our website...

Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) (Special Educational Needs and Disability) website 07771 977384

Kirklees Reading Friends

Come and join the Reading Friends Volunteers! Reading Friends are trained volunteers providing effective reading support in primary schools. They are men and women of all ages from a wide range of communities....

Out of School Clubs in Kirklees

Looking for childcare outside school hours? For details of out of school clubs and registered childminders as well as nurseries, playgroups, and crèches contact the Family Information Service. We hold...

Out of School Clubs in Kirklees website 01484 414887

Parent and Toddler Groups in Kirklees

Parent and toddler groups are places where groups of parents and carers meet locally with their children on a regular basis. They provide an ideal opportunity to socialise for both parents and children....

Parent and Toddler Groups in Kirklees website 01484 414887

School Admissions and Information, and list of Kirklees schools

For general advice on admission to or changing schools. Please see the website for full information and list of schools.

School Admissions and Information, and list of Kirklees schools website

The Greenwood Centre, Ravensthorpe - Library and Children's Centre

Library and Children's Centre. Please use the website link to see details of the Library including contact and opening times.

The Greenwood Centre, Ravensthorpe - Library and Children's Centre website 01924 456808

Uniform Exchange

Uniform Exchange gives out free school uniform to families in Kirklees. Our overall purpose is to ensure all children across Kirklees have access to good school uniform helping to reduce social deprivation...

Uniform Exchange website 07955724789