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Organisations in category:

Hospital services

4 results found

BMI The Huddersfield Hospital

A private hospital with a wide range of services available, and the option of fixed price surgery for self-paying patients. Please contact us or see our website for more details.

BMI The Huddersfield Hospital website 01484 810526

Dewsbury and District Hospital

Accident and emergency department - open 24 hours daily. The District General Hospital for North Kirklees.

Dewsbury and District Hospital website 01924 541000

Holme Valley Memorial Hospital

Holme Valley Memorial Hospital is at the heart of the local community - please see the website for more details and list of services.

Holme Valley Memorial Hospital website 030 3330 9689

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (HRI)

Hospital. Open 24 hours a day. Has an accident and emergency department.

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (HRI) website 01484 342000

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