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5 results found
1. IT Suite available for hire, suitable for IT-based activities such as family history group or as an IT-based training centre. 2. Facilities include an interactive whiteboard and PowerPoint. 3. Fully...
Huddersfield Mission IT Suite website 01484 421461
Various locations...
Kirklees College offers hundreds of courses in a massive variety of curriculum areas, ranging from hair and beauty to brickwork including full time, Apprenticeships, part time for leisure and professional...
Kirklees College website 01484 437000
Kirklees College Taylor Hill Animal Centre providing full-time and adult courses relating to Animal Care, Agriculture, Conservation and Countryside Management, Dog Grooming, Horticulture and Land-based...
Kirklees College - Taylor Hill Centre website 01484 437184
Please contact us or see our website for more details.
University of Huddersfield website 01484 422288