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Organisations in category:

Arts and crafts

4 results found

Batley Art Gallery

** The Gallery is currently closed and has no date for re-opening. Please check with Batley Library for latest news.** (Nov. 2024) The gallery is situated on the first floor of the library building,...

Batley Art Gallery website 01484 414868

Booth House Gallery and Pottery

Featuring studio ceramics and sculpture by Jim Robison. Special exhibitions of regional and national artists and crafts people. Continuous display of handmade pottery. Courses may be available. Please...

Booth House Gallery and Pottery website 01484 685270

Huddersfield Art Gallery

Huddersfield Art Gallery currently has a temporary home in Unit 7 of the Piazza, Huddersfield where exhibitions are being held. For more details and opening times please see our website. Huddersfield...

Huddersfield Art Gallery website 01484 221964

the gallery at Slaithwaite

The gallery is situated in Britannia Mill,, Britannia Road, Slaithwaite, HD7 5HE Opposite Aldi car park It gives artists and crafters a place to show and sell their work,.in a relaxed and easy going...

the gallery at Slaithwaite website 07925 251990

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