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Organisations in category:

Sport and leisure

4 results found

Deighton into Sport Project (DISP)

4/2023 The organisation existed in 2022 but we cannot confirm it is still active. We provide coaching in athletics, basketball, netball and football; run holiday playschemes, and provide sport opportunities...

Deighton into Sport Project (DISP) website

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust is a registered charity (1117768) and non-profit making organisation. Using the influence of professional sport, the trust is responsible for all community sports and...

Huddersfield Giants Community Trust website 01484 442235

Huddersfield Town Foundation

The Huddersfield Town Foundation is the official Charity of Huddersfield Town Football Club. We work across Kirklees and the surrounding areas to provide educational, community and sporting opportunities...

Huddersfield Town Foundation website 01484 503773

SPIN - Sporting Partnerships and Initiatives from Newsome

SPIN works to improve sport in school, both within and beyond the curriculum. More precisely its objective is to enhance the take up of sporting opportunities by 5 to 16 year olds so that the percentage...

SPIN - Sporting Partnerships and Initiatives from Newsome website 01484 516712

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