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Organisations in category:
4 results found
A uniformed youth organisation for boys and girls aged 13 to 18 years closely associated with the RAF but also committed to the aim of producing good citizens. Provides outdoor education, flying and gliding,...
185 (Batley) Squadron Air Training Corps website 01924 423320
Parades: Monday and Thursday 7.30pm
Batley Army Cadets website 01904 490529
BUMPY (Birstall Urban Motorcycle Project for Youth) is an esteemed registered charity (#702335) established in 1989. Bumpy is dedicated to fulfilling the following objectives for the greater benefit of...
BUMPY Ltd (Birstall Urban Motor-Cycle Project for Youth) website 01924 470432
The Pakistan and Kashmir Welfare Association (PKWA) is a grassroots, community association operating from a purpose-built centre in the heart of Batley. We are committed to providing social, welfare and...
Pakistan and Kashmir Welfare Association Ltd, Batley (PKWA) website 01924 422786