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You searched for 'Older people'

3 results found

Community Church Huddersfield

Our Vision: To make the love of God real in the real world Our vision is to be part of God’s vision for his Church. It is the purpose of every church, of the Church, to be the body of Christ. Jesus Christ...

Community Church Huddersfield website 01484551551

Elim Pentecostal Church, Huddersfield

Sunday services at 10.30am and 6.30pm. The Elim Pentecostal Church, in the heart of Huddersfield, is an international congregation of all ages. Pentecostal by doctrine and practice we reach out with...

Elim Pentecostal Church, Huddersfield website 01484 535554

Huddersfield Salvation Army

Please see our website for details of services and activities. Other community groups also operate from our premises. Please see notice boards or website for details of any other events. For e mail...

Huddersfield Salvation Army website 01484 654484