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4 results found

Greenhead Park Veterans Bowling Club

We are a like minded group of gentlemen, over the age of 60, who enjoy playing competitive and social crown green bowling. We are members of the Huddersfield Veterans Bowling Association and have a team... 07813738162

Mirfield Veterans Bowling Club

Inter-league Crown Green bowling for the over 60's, providing exercise and social contact. Please contact for more details. League bowling - Tuesday (pm), Wednesday (pm) and Thursday (pm) Club practice...

Soothill Bowling Club

Soothill Bowling Club plays in open age leagues on Monday and Saturday afternoons and in Veterens Leagues (over 60’s) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. We welcome new members to come along...


Staincliffe Veterans Bowling Club

Crown Green Bowling (5 veterans teams) from April to October. For males and females over 60 years of age. Annual presentation night and social each October.

Staincliffe Veterans Bowling Club website 01924 458913

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