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You searched for 'Older people'

5 results found

Lindley Chimes

Meet every Tuesday from 10.30am to 1pm. Provides a social opportunity to meet other people. Different activities each week, and trips. Lunch not provided, but sandwiches can be bought. Please note that... 01484 511572

Longwood Mechanics Hall

Longwood Mechanics Hall is a multi purpose community building available for hire to organised groups and individuals. Licensed for the performance of Dance, Live and Recorded Music, Film Shows, Plays and...

Longwood Mechanics Hall website

Milnsbridge Baptist Church

The Church is part of Yorkshire Baptist Association. Services on Sunday at 10.30am. Bible study on Tuesday at 7.30pm.(via Zoom) On most Mondays at 2pm we run a group called Monday@2 for elderly / lonely...

Milnsbridge Baptist Church website

Oakes Coffee and Chat

Every Thursday morning, the church is opened up between 10.00 am and midday for Coffee and Chat, which does exactly what it says on the tin. We serve coffee (or tea, if you prefer) and you get the chance...

Oakes Coffee and Chat website 07784 487505

The Mortons Social Group

The Mortons is a sheltered housing scheme for retired people run by Riverside. Before lockdown in 2020 there were regular social activities, including coffee mornings, chair exercise, and games afternoons...