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8 results found
Between Birkby Lodge Rd and Ponyfield Close, Birkby, Huddersfield is an area of land that a group of friendly volunteer gardeners are transforming into a haven for local wildlife and for all the local...
Birkby Community Wildlife Garden website
Full programme of events available annually from November (AGM) Monthly winter meetings on one Wednesday per month at 7.30pm (September to March) . Weekend apiary visit meetings (monthly), Saturday or...
Huddersfield and District Beekeepers Association website
Our objectives are: 1. Studying and recording the wild birds of the area and publishing an annual report 2 .Promoting the education of the public about wild birds and their habitats. 3.Supporting research...
Huddersfield Birdwatchers Club website
Newsome Wild are a voluntary community group adopting unused piece of land. This land will be used to create an outdoor space available to the whole community while increasing biodiversity and supporting...
Newsome Wild website
We are the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) local group for Huddersfield. We have monthly indoor meetings usually on the third Wednesday of the month at the New North Baptist Church 7:30pm,...
RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Huddersfield and Halifax Members' Group website 01484 301920
Illustrated talks monthly on a wide range of topics. Regular field trips to reserves - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and private or metropolitan... 01484 608652
Wildlife walks during summer. Phone see our website for programme. Monthly talks during winter. Meetings on the last Tuesday of the month (except December - 3rd Tuesday) at 7.30pm (September to March).
Shepley Naturalists website 01484 605614
Together with our supporters and volunteers, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust are committed to creating a Yorkshire rich in wildlife for everyone. From saving our wildlife and wild places to bringing people closer...
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust website