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Organisations in category:

Amateur dramatic groups

3 results found

Emley Drama Group

New members welcome. Back stage and set builders always welcome. Performances in Autumn and Spring.

Emley Drama Group website 07828431868

Scissett Stagedoor Theatre Company

Shows twice yearly.We are always looking for new singing and acting members and non-acting members. Please see our facebook page for more details. Twice weekly rehearsals at various venues.

Scissett Stagedoor Theatre Company website

The Pierrot Players (Shelley and Shepley)

Established in 1981, The Pierrot Players are an amateur dramatic group based in Shepley and Shelley, drawing our members from the local area, but also attracting support and interest from all around the...

The Pierrot Players (Shelley and Shepley) website 01484860779

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